oud taqsim

This is a question I get regularly, and it’s one that me and everyone go through from time to time.

I would recommend practicing creating simple phrases, and trying different ways of saying the same thing. Different stroke pattern, different number of notes, or stop on a different note, make a daily habit out of practising and taking some risks. Play something that doesn’t make sense. See what you can do with it.

Another way is to keep broadening your horizon by learning more and more repertoire slowly. You’ll get exposed to new things, and hey will stick with you and give you ideas, or you can steal licks from here and there.

It’s one thing to listen to Oud taqasims, but if you don’t challenge yourself to copy those licks and bring it out in your own personal way, then it’s natural to get stuck.

Also finding other instrumentalists to jam with will give you ideas. Or find a new teacher, and see if they’ll show you some of their own tricks and melodies.

One good way of doing this is to attend music retreats like Simon Shaheen’s arabic music retreat. You’ll be exposed to all kinds of talents and get inspired.