jurjunah rhythm



Another widely known rhythm you may come across is Jurjunah.

This rhythm is used a lot in Iraq, Kurdistan, and Iran. The rhythm is commonly written in 10/8. There are ten beats per measure.

The key to understanding this rhythm is to remember how to subdivide the rhythm and which beats own the emphasis.

Jurjunah is very straight-forward once divided properly.

Jurjunah is divided into 3+2+2+3.

The beats with emphasis are on the first count of each subdivision. Ex. (bold number is the emphasis)

1 2 3 2 3

Watch the video to see this rhythm in action on Oud and Dumbek to really understand how to play a basic version of it.


If you’re still not getting Jurjunah, there is a cheat you can use to play pieces in this rhythm. The cheat is to think of playing a Persian style 6/8 rhythm with a bit of a limp to it.

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